Thursday, September 29, 2016

...with Tayè K!


Have you been experiencing copious amounts thereof?

I was going over my posts and realized I did not give much insight as to who I am. I did not even notice it, because this was about stepping out of my comfort zone to do something new. I started this blog to kinda vent out my journey with Baby Namastè. Leading up to his birth and 4th trimester, I had this insane year--a seemingly neverending loop of setbacks, downfalls, breakdowns, losses, and steps backwards. I didn't want to write about those things tbough, because I don't like to seem ungrateful. Baby Namastè's name means Rising Sun, so that's the direction I chose to take. A new day, a new era.

I spent our 4th trimester holed up in our home, loving on the little one and adjusting to our new normal. I truly enjoyed that crazy time frame.

When I came back to social media, I felt like a different person. I'm a nice girl anyway but I gained so much peace by disconnecting. It wasn't entirely by choice, as we relocated for Hubby's work, and our phones got zero reception. Wifi was poopy also, so there I was--reconnecting with life minus the selfie crowd. (I like selfies, by the way. I have many!) I would log in and actually have something to say, versus logging in and having to say something. It's gonna sound hilarious and cliché,  but being in the middle of nowhere helped me reconnect with me. I got back to my roots. My yoga, my namastè, my energy--all that hippie peaceful stuff I so adore.

So who am I?

Well, I'm Tayè. Tay-tay. Lover of animals. BIG BELIEVER IN KARMA. Namastè queen.

I suppose who I am is not as important as what I'm trying to do here. I exist in this blogsphere to entertain and inform. Which is comforting to me, because I'm not extraordinary. I'm not one of those girls who needs to stand out, and I'm absolutely not a lover of controversy. I'm a little shy, so I prefer to work behind the scenes and watch things blossom versus being front and center. I'm a straight shooter. I tell it like it is. I don't sugarcoat and I don't go along to get along. I do my own thing and it's worked for me.

I guess when I began this blog I wanted to share my life but preserve some small amount of anonymity for myself. Hence the scarf on SnapChat and YouTube, and only showing the back or top of my family's heads or watermarks cleverly placed to obscure their faces a bit. I didn't want to be another blog full of snapshots. My WORDS are my snapshots. I panicked a bit when I realized that becoming a serious blogger meant I had to trade some of that behind the scenes work for actual visibility.

I'm becoming ok with the visibility, actually, because I'm so regular. I was told a few days ago that my blog entries are like conversations with a dear friend. That's been my favorite compliment so far.

Who am I?

I'm Tayè. Your new old friend.


- Tayè K.

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