Friday, October 7, 2016

Love YOU


I'll skip all the pleasantries because this I'm about to tell you, is the single most important tidbit I'll ever impart.


Love you, mama. Take care of you. Spoil you.

I know, I know--you've got the baby to care for and the household to manage and dinner isn't ready at 7 pm. Your hair hasn't been washed, or maybe you caved and had wine before 5. You need to let the dogs out (or in) and you haven't returned a social call in weeks. A 5 minute shower is a luxury and...

...all that is either great, good, or important.

But when have you taken a moment to yourself, to reconnect with and nurture YOUR namastè?

You don't need to take a vacation, spend thousands of dollars,  or get blackout drunk with your girlfriends to treat yourself, mama.

Just be gentle with you. Understand that every time a new baby is born, a new mother is too. You'll have to be merciful with yourself as you learn the best way to care for the little baby. You'll have moments where you think you're all wrong, or baby should have better.

And for the love of cookie butter, please take a deep breath in those moments and remember the following.

1. There's no one better for your little one than you. That's why your little one, is yours.

2. There is no perfect mom. There are MANY different good ones though, from all walks of life.

3. Don't be offended by Pinterest. You don't have to make perfect pasta in Mason jars to be a good mom. (And if you can make perfect pasta in Mason jars, stop being offended by moms who can't or don't.)

4. STOP COMPARING. Your baby, your home, your nails--STOP! You don't need to beat yourself up about milestones, square footage, nubby nails or talons, none of that!

5. Treat yourself kindly.

6. Positive affirmations lead to positive inclinations, and positive inclinations lead to positive actions!

7. Clean up. Not the dishes--your circle. Remove any person who does not support and sharpen you. There will be enough in the world to drag you down. Align yourself with people and situations that help propel you forward.

Love, you. Nobody can do it better and nobody will.

And if you haven't heard it today...I love you.


-- Tayè K ♡

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