Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Age Differences AGAIN: I'll Just Sit By Myself, Sheesh!


Ah, age differences.

If you're new to the party, I always seem to have a weird age difference thing impeding potential mom friendships. I'm either the youngest mom with the youngest kids or the oldest mom with the youngest kids in most settings.

This weekend I got a chance of a juncture! (Not really lifetime, more like chance of this particular point in time.)

I was at the May Day festival. Perhaps it's a Southwest Georgia thing? I don't know. But anyway, I was in the place, double stroller and tween queen in tow. I actually made what I thought might be some cool connections. No person is an island after all, and even if I am happy spending time with me I do still enjoy the company of others from time to time.

I actually lived in SWGA before, so the associations I was with aren't entirely new.

The vibe was weird this time though. Like, uncomfortably so. We got our requisite festival food--including my first ever smoked turkey leg!--and walked around a bit. Because I have small fries, and my tween queen isn't old enough to be out unchaperoned, we broke camp early and headed back to hubby's temp stay. (He maintains a small house in SWGA, and when we visit that's where we stay.)

"That's why I don't have small kids."

No, you don't have small kids because they grew into  big kids.

"I wouldn't want babies at this age, I'm trying to be free."

Did I ask you to have my babies, because that's not exactly how this works.

"I don't know how you do it, being tied down all day to that baby."

Well, my hope is that she won't toss me in a nursing home later?! People with kids are usually pretty tethered to those kids, I don't know, because the kids need their parents!

Made me ILL. Like, really aggravated, and I'm not even sure why. Aside from the audacity to throw shade when they legit drool over my babies and want to babysit all the time, they don't make much noise. I don't hang out with them with any regularity.

Even when I hang out with my age group, I'm the odd one. *chuckles*

Since I prefer to hang out with my kiddos anyway, this doesn't count as an L.

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