It's my favorite time of awake--the wee hours. *insert smirk*
I generally check my social media most in the wee hours and tonight I got a double whammy: I made the 400 Club on my Instagram, and I got the chance to speak with an actual toy designer.
Laura C. Byrnes is the creator of the Baboochi, and the author of its story. The Baboochi is my new obsession and I can't stop talking about it. (Yes, I'm talking about it at 12.40 am--I'm excited and this is why my Hubby Namastè and I are a good match. He supports my wacky.)
What's the Baboochi?!
Y' is the cutest little blue fuzzy wuzzy I have ever laid eyes on. He is the perfect fuzzy lovey for boys and girls of any age (I'm an adult and I'm in love with it!), and it comes with a book featuring its story! The Baboochies are all about positivity. They teach kids about so many positive traits: kindness, respect, responsibility, being good stewards of their belongings, and sharing. They also incorporate friendship, and how to be a good apple.
The Baboochies are adoptable fuzziness, and they each come with instructions to get an official certificate. (I'm melting into my pillows from the cuteness of this whole concept.)
Note: All images are the property of Laura C. Byrnes, and used with permission.

This is the stuff my life is built on. As you may know, the Namastè is more than just an easy portmanteau or branding for my name--it is really our principle, and how we want to live. Our legacy will be built on effecting positivity.
The Baboochi just fits, and I couldn't pass up a chance to investigate it. Get into it, hanging out on the Great Wall of China like a little blue boss. *squeal*
Back story to how this is even happening: I'm obsessed with stuffed animals and plushies. I amassed a huge collection when I was growing up, which now belong to Kids Namastè. While I no longer sleep in a bed full of them, I still love watching them be made and learning about them. (I legit study the history and origins of stuffed animals, and it never disappoints.)
Back to now: one of my newest friends on Instagram had a blue fuzzy as their profile photo. I clicked on it. Y'all, I about died.
She. Is. A. Toy. Creator. (And children's author!)
I have never gotten to sit down with a real live toy creator. I immediately had to ask about an interview. I wanted to know as much as I could, and she was so sweet and took the time to answer all of my questions...
...which I will share with you now, because it's so cool. (She's the bold italics.)
T: That blue fluffy wuffy is adorable and I'm always curious about how stuffed animals happen. (I am that type who goes to build a bear mainly to watch the bears be made.)
LCB: Haha that's awesome! Baboochi originally started as the book first and the stuffed animal after. The book was created to be a fun, easy to read, bedtime story book. We then had Baboochi come to life, because in the story Baboochi leaves their planet and comes to Earth! We wanted that special friendship to be really real to little kids by letting them have a Baboochi of their own, just like in the story. We made the toy cute, soft, but also durable so that it can go on adventures with children!
T: Also...what inspired him/her to be blue??? How long have you been writing?
LCB: Oh no problem! The inspiration just came from my imagination The blue is a bright Royal blue which I am in love with. I feel as though it's bright enough and fluffy enough that you can't help but smile! Baboochi is all about positivity! I've loved to write for awhile and my style is more suited for children's book as I also love fun colors and adventures myself. Eventually I plan to write more books and expand with more Baboochi like creatures.
T: Your imagination is epic. Don't ever let this world steal it.
LCB: Thank you so much!!
T: Positivity is a MUST. Especially to arm our kids with what they need for success. Is there an age suggestion for Baboochi?
LCB: Age wise, Baboochi is a great for toddlers. It's VERY easy to read and is a beginner level book.
T: Is there a turnaround time for production or are they made in large numbers?
LCB: Usually we have them made in batches to meet demand, so that no one has to wait an overly long time to receive theirs.
T: I'm in Georgia and dying to know if and when they would hit stores here.
LCB: We would loveeee to be in stores but for right now we have and Amazon until we expand.
...that's all I will reveal about the Baboochi, for now.
Why am I leaving you with a cliffhanger?
One, because its late, and you need to be in bed. Two... Because Laura is sending one out for us to check out. She has honored sweet Baby Namastè with the opportunity to represent the Baboochi brand with his own blue fuzzy wuzzy.
You know I wouldn't hold out on you. Tsk tsk!
Y'all, my kid carries around a spoon. Have you ever tried explaining why your toddler is carrying a spoon? Most people see it and shrug it off as toddlerness, but there are those who need more info. Which I provide as best I can. I mean, it's a spoon, and he's a toddler. Life of Tayè, I suppose. It's adorable enough, but Baboochi is so much cuter.
I am so looking forward to his adventures with his Baboochi!
So...that's why I won't be telling you everything I know about the adorable fluffy Baboochi--I would rather to tell you when he is in Castle Namastè and Baby Namastè is happily running around with him.
My baby is getting a new little friend, but I got to fulfill one of my bucket list dreams. I have always wanted to sit down and chat with an author, and I have always wanted to meet a plush toy creator. I got to do both, in one fell swoop. I'm so ecstatic. Y'all have no clue. Even better, I get to work with her as I help Baby Namastè show off the Baboochi! I am so beyond excited.
Another pic because it's so cute. It's reading its little storybook! *squeal*
In the meantime, you can check out its official website AND follow its Instagram. Lauren mentioned more stories and even some fuzzy friends for Baboochi, so keep your eyes peeled and stay in the loop!
-- Tayè K. ♡
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