Sunday, January 6, 2019

Age Difference: Mom Edition

Namastè! birthday is coming up. I'll be the magical 35! I'm happy to be closing out Chapter 34.

Usually birthdays involve parties, cake, selfies, and shenanigous activity with friends, right?

Not exactly.

See, of my local circle, I'm the eldest mom--but my kids are the youngest. Tiger Lily is an infant, and Brother Bear is just shy of preschool age. Princes is 12.

While my kids are getting training bras (Princess), learning to write their names (Brother Bear), and getting completely accustomed to life outside the womb (Tiger Lily), the other kids in my social circle are learning to drive, graduating high school, and legit having kids of their own.

I never have a hard time finding people to hang out with or make mall crawls. There's no shortage of yoga pals or accountability buddies for the spin class I plan to take later this year. I can even cobble together a play group pretty easily.

It's just, I currently cannot eat my cake so to speak.

The friends I have who have kids even close in age to mine, live either very far away or have schedules that don't mirror mine. The friends I have who have kids much older? Always available, but coordinating an activity their kids won't be bored by or that my kids aren't too young for is a job in and of itself. With my husband's work hours, I'm almost never kid-free, so there's that.

It's challenging.

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