Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Line


I have had some interesting discussions about being a mom blogger since I jumped in the ring. While it's generally pleasant discourse, there are so many incorrect, inaccurate, and flat out wrong impressions of what it is that I do.

Because I like to shed light, I'll crack the surface here.

Note: I can only speak for myself. Please bear in mind that I can only speak from my own experience. There's no "industry" expose here, just me. The WE comes in because I hate too many "I" statements--that's self-absorbed and I'm not that girl.

1. We aren't all fame hungry.

I like recognition sometimes--who doesn't! But I blog for self first, not the Machine. I don't martyr myself for ugly cry points and I refuse to humiliate myself or my family for squints and giggles. I'm too reserved for the typical viral stunts and too much of a dork to suss out how to balance fame with going to Target undetected.

2. We aren't "the next" anyone.

I'm Tayè. First, last, and only. Period.

3. Not every blogger is the tell and show all type.

I personally am not, nor do I see myself becoming, the tell-all type. I'm not ashamed of anything. I'm ridiculously proud of my family. My kids are amazing, beautiful little people!

4. I don't do everything.

Blogging is my little baby. I keep it sheltered, separate from the regular thrive drive. I am not juggling the hats of being a crafter/chef/model/singer/dancer/spokesperson/photographer. I can do all these things, but my main purpose for creating this space is to have an outlet. While it is shared, and I do promote it to my readers, it is not a job. (That'd be exhausting, trying to squeeze all that in, or manage the logistics of each thing while still keeping my blog as an outlet!) Nor do I want it to be.

5. It isn't as easy or as hard as you think.

Only when one delves into the corporately-manufactured side of blogging does it become difficult--when it is your job versus your passion. (This is why I personally cannot operate on the fame/money/sponsored content alone--even the very companies who pay for those posts, get weary of seeing a blog that reads like a long-running commercial.) Only when you find your niche and plug into it, can blogging be truly easy.

When I sit down to the computer and the words don't flow freely, I get my butt up.

6. We aren't a clique.

While some of us are really adamant about only connecting with equally *insert adjective* bloggers,  a lot of us are just moms in yoga pants, hoping to connect to like minds. Naturally people with similar interests tend to bond, but there's no rule.

7. We aren't all trying to tell you how to live your life.

I can't wear the life coach crown, bruh. I can teach you about breastfeeding, make you laugh, and share a funny or sweet anecdote two. I can definitely share my slice of the woman's experience! But I won't even take my hat near the ring of the actual life coach.

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