Sunday, March 10, 2019

The S9 Plus

Hey, hey, and Namastè!

If you've been following my social media (and honestly, why wouldn't you?!), you've seen me out and about with a breast pump that looks like a little cell phone.

It's in the car. It's in the house. It's everywhere.

But what is it?!

NOTE: The views and experiences detailed here are mine and mine alone. I was not compensated in any way by SpectraBaby USA for this review.

It's my SpectraBaby S9 Plus.

The SpectraBaby S9 Plus is a handheld, portable  (even more so than the S1) breastpump. It features customizable vacuum settings and the hospital quality suction SpectraBaby is known for providing at a fraction of the cost of other pumps.

I got my S9 Plus when Tiger Lily was a fresh newborn, and I haven't looked back. I was already pretty devoted to my S2, because it helped me maintain my supply. I went through some very difficult first days, as I did not want to pump too early--yet my oversupply kicked in when my baby was only 3 days old and she could barely latch because my breasts were hard as rocks and spraying her in her face.

She didn't latch for about three weeks after that, but thanks to my Spectra I was able to express feedings without tearing up my nipples (the Spectra pumps don't suck, they suckle like a baby!)

I was skeptical about the S9 Plus because it's so little. It's smaller than my Galaxy Note 5, and doesn't weigh as much as my digital camera (I have a Canon, which isn't very heavy at all). I didn't want to fall into the hype of it just because it was little and cute.

Kinda like the baby. *chuckle*

I digress, and I kid.

The S9 Plus delivers the same performance as my S1, if not better.

I won't tell you it's gonna magically have you pumping out ounces on ounces, but when compared to my Medela Sonata the S9 Plus does a far better job of emptying the b'reservoirs, and it takes less time. It's also less uncomfortable, which is always very important to me because in addition to oversupply, I am cursed with very tender nipples. It takes nothing to tear them up like hamburger meat, *sighs*

The S9 Plus is super quiet. It doesn't exactly buzz, but it doesn't hum. I can use it while I'm on the phone (and I do) and not miss a beat.

It really shines for travel. Because it's smaller than one of my phones, it sits oh-so-adorably in my cup holder in the car. It has such a slim profile that it's been mistaken by a phone more than once, and I didn't bother correcting that person. The backlight is absolutely perfect for night time on the road, as I can see to toggle my settings. I'm a big fan of the soft blue backlight. It looks super soothing and it matches my preferred Lactalite setting.

I usually charge my S9 Plus up once every 2 days or so, and the battery hangs tough. You get the same suction at full battery that you do at one bar of power, and there isn't a huge difference between its plugged in performance versus its battery only performance. (This is important--trust me.)

I've used many pumps the past (almost) 3 years. I've had portables and "desktops." I've had fancy big name brands and new guys on the block. I've even used those extra techy experimental ones. (Spoiler alert: Don't waste your money on Willow--just get settled Freemie cups. And sadly, Naya shut down; I never got my pump from pre-orders so I never got to experience it.) I am rarely truly impressed by breastpumps because the overall idea has not changed since their inception!

...but the S9 Plus does impress me. I dig it. Pumping is a chore I can't easily skip, and since I have to do it I prefer to do it as efficiently and effectively as possible. Also as comfortably as possible, and not have my day hindered by being tethered to a chair all day.

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