Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Age Gap 😣

Today is one of those "I need to get the kids out and about" type days.

At 5.27 a.m. I already know this.

It is easy enough to just get in the car and go, right?

Well...our kiddos are spaced quite interestingly.

There is a big gap between Princess and Brother Bear, and then a much smaller gap between Brother Bear and Tiger Lily. (They are not Irish twins, but they are close enough in age to still enjoy the same activities and shows.) Princess is a preteen now. Brother Bear is a preschooler. Tiger Lily? Not ready to classify her as anything but the baby.

Anyhoo. Now that you understand the lay if my dilemma, I'll continue my early morning rambling.

After hair and nails for me and Princess, I must find a way to put the afternoon to sleep. There are a few museums around that the smaller kids might enjoy but not understand fully and Princess will eat right up, and a few activity centers that Princess will pretend to like but be horribly bored by yet the little ones will love.

Usually we just strike a balance of either doing an activity for the littlest ones that Princess can tolerate OR something for Princess that the littlest one can marginally sit still for if not participate. Or we appease the tiny twin terrors and make it up to Princess with extra privileges or a special outing for her later.

I will say this: I get to enjoy (and at time endure) a fun range of experiences and milestones simultneously. Princess is literally beginning to learn to drive. Brother Bear is in the thick of pre-K--learning to read, write, and all those wonderful new abilities that come with brand new real big boy status. Tiger Lily is the baby of the bunch, still meeting her first toddler milestones and still incredibly snuggly.

The only time the age gap really becomes inconvenient is if we let it! We spaced them this way, for our own reasons, so we ride the wave of whatever life throws at us with either a smile or a thoughtful smirk.

It has its challenges, but those are mainly down to time management and delegation of grunt work. Read: Hubby and I have to make sure there's a free hand for diapers and dribbly chins, and that hand is never attached to Princess.

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