Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Separation Anxiety


Hey y'all heyyyyy!

Let's see. Baby Namastè is hitting his milestones at breakneck  pace. I feel like he never slows down.

Crawling? Check.

Cruising along furniture? Check.

Separation anxiety? Check--WHOA, we didn't order that one.

Yes, separation anxiety has reared it's head in Castle Namastè. The baby now realizes mom and dad can go, but he cannot always go with them, and he makes his displeasure known quite plaintively.

And by plaintively, I mean LOUD. Big tears, loud cries, epic pouty lip, all completed by the classic reach-for-mom-or-dad-while-shaking-his-head-no move.

Baby Namastè's been a very mild kid. He didn't make a fuss as a newborn, he didn't make a fuss as a smiley infant, and we assumed he'd be just as calm as a pre-toddler.


Separation anxiety leaves my son calling "MAAAAAMA!" and doing his best to crawl as fast as he can as he tries to keep up with me.

It's even more pronounced when Hubby Namastè is gone longer hours during the day. When he actually sits down to get in some time with our littlest cub, the baby loses his grits if he so much as leaves the room to go relieve himself. (Sorry, son, but daddy cannot piddle on the couch. Highly frowned upon!)'s just another stage, and it will pass. In the meantime I'm not going to pull my hair out. In just a little while, I'll be clinging to him  (even if only in my mind) as he goes out and forges his own path in the world. I'll be the one tearing up as I watch him leave, and I'll probably be screaming inwardly for my "baby" to turn around.

I'm not looking to "cure" it because it's a normal part of development. He is on track, on par, and on course.

But now--BATH! That jetted tub is calling my name. Earlier today was brutal, because Hubby Namastè's out of town and Baby Namastè didn't take the video call as well as we expected. He was happy until he had to get off the call--then came the waterworks.

All is well now. A little time with his busy cube plus a nursing sesh and an animal cracker makes for a happy boy. Even though separation anxiety has peaked,  he is still our well-adjusted little dude.


-- Tayè K. ♡

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