Sunday, October 16, 2016

Early Morning Bliss


I hope you're experiencing copious amounts thereof.

I'm up before the sun, pumping and reflecting.

For a long time I did not want to write a blog. Well, let me clarify. I didn't want to write a blog and it float in cyberspace, unread. I mean, I am pretty active on social media. I am also pretty reserved. I don't get to talk about my newest parenting adventures much, as my friends and family are generally raising older kids or even grandkids. (I am 32, but I am typically the youngest in my circles.) My kids are younger, not to mention I have an infant and I'm still somewhat newly married. I end up sharing cat videos and memes, and the occasional witty quip.

That's not the interaction I wish for at this exact blip in time. Because I am experiencing first milestones and navigating baby steps all over again, I wanted a space to share that without being the annoying Facebook girl. (Yes, it's my page--but it isn't exactly courteous to bombard people [who clearly aren't interested] with my quips, quotes, and reviews about all things baby and kid when they cannot or will not relate!) We all know people who don't care how they're received, but for the sake of being a bit more genteel I opted against that route.

To that end, this blog has been wonderful. I'm able to have a platform, as large or as small as I want. (If I promote, it grows and reaches thousands. If I just hash out my thoughts and sigh, my little corner of the stage remains fairly intimate and small.)

I am a mother above all, and I know people get their fill of my ilk and how we fawn ovee our spawn. I can fawn til I am blue in the face here and the most I can expect is a few likeminded mamas and papas! I can talk about relationships and challenges without people raising their antennas toward family breakdown or divorce. I can talk about whatever baby/kid/household items I'm currently gaga over without the bored eye roll emojis and heavy sighs. (At least, I don't know about them. *wink*) I can share my feelings and thoughts with an audience unbiased. While you're a part of my little world, you're not close enough to be annoyed and not distant enough to be apathetic. There is nothing so valuable as objective feedback.

I always feel like I don't thank my readers enough, hence the giveaways and posts like this one. You are rockstars. I believe in putting gratitude in the atmosphere, copious amounts thereof, frequently. You don't owe me loyalty, feedback, any of that--yet you give it so freely. This is my growth, and you help effect it by simply existing in this sphere with me. A blog was a small dream of mine, but it's a very big reality now and I am unabashedly chuffed.

Thank you!


-- Tayè K. ♡

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