Sunday, June 30, 2019

"I'm Gonna Take You Outside!"


I had the joyous pleasure of changing my phone number recently. (Read: yesterday. I got a new number yesterday.) We also upgraded our phones and switched companies. Woo-hoo!

I usually have the kids with me when I'm running errands. They actually make cool little zipping mates, provided they aren't hungry or tired.

My little boy bear is bursting with energy. He's 3. It's pretty tough for him to sit completely still during our longer errands, because he's only 3.

I reiterated the 3 because it matters. Keep reading.

One of the things I try to do with my kids is recognize their humanity. They are tiny people, but they are no less people than adult people and deserve the same (if not a little more) consideration and accommodations!

That being said...

We ported over the first number for the new contract with no problem. Because mine required a port then change, it was a little more complicated. Read: the cashier was relatively new and had not handled a port and change before. We got to be her first, but it was a long process. It took about 90 minutes.

We were the only people in the store for the first hour thankfully, but my little bear was a bit restless and needed to move a little. When another customer came, I decided I would give him a little run break.

"I'm gonna take you outside, young one!"

Now...the Namasté humor is a bit dry. We play and pull faces, but in general most of our quips are delivered with a straight face and flat tone. Because I was dealing with the kiddo, I wagged my finger for a little dramatic flair.

"Oooh. Mama's about to beat you."

*needle scratch*

No ma'am, mama is most certainly not about to beat anyone.

What I did do, was take him outside and let him run a little on the sidewalk. Picked him up and played airplane. Gave him sugars and tickles. Then I gave him a high five, we took some deep breaths to relax, and went back in to finish our business.

Which worked out perfectly because two minutes after his break, the cashier finished our phone transaction!

"I thought he was gonna get a whoopin'."

Again with the abuse tactics.

Why do we automaticay think a kid needs to be beaten/punished FOR BEING A KID?!

That is not how we operate in our house.

A little understanding goes a long way.

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