Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kiinde Foodii! **Review Post**


I hope you're experiencing copious amounts thereof this morning!

The other day, the lovely folks at Kiinde sent a great package for Baby Namastè! We received the Kiinde Twist and Kiinde Foodii. Today, let's talk about this Foodii!

The Foodii comes with pouches, two little snack spouts, a silicone spoon and case, and a filler. I am already sold on the Kiinde Twist because Baby Namastè LOVES drinking his milkies from the bottle case! I was excited to try out the second part of our gift.

Baby Namastè's two true food loves are baked sweet potato and his noms from mom. For our Foodii test drive, I baked a sweet potato, creamed that sucker, and put it in the Foodii pouch. 

Baby Namastè adores his taters. (We don't add anything to them.) He does not adore spoons, unless they are soft. The Foodii delivers again, as this little silicone spoon is flexible yet solid. It simply connects to the pouch, just like the nipple for the bottle case. He likes his Twist drinker a lot so...

SUCCESS! Little adorable guy loved it. This was a majorly impressive feat. So far he hasn't accepted any spoon; he eats with his hands. The Foodii spoon feels like a teether, and he liked it. (We let him touch it beforehand and he immediately brought it to his mouth.) 

Our Foodii was put to another test--I had a business meeting and had to eat lunch on the go. I decided this would be a good time to check out the portability of this whole pouch and spoon setup.

I always carry Baby Namastè in his stroller for casual outings, because it's a familiar space for him to sit. While I nosh on my food, he can sit and look around or play with his Turtle toy. If he falls asleep, I recline it. Now...

There is a storage compartment on Baby Namastè's stroll-about. It's too small for my phone (a Note 5) but big enough to hold a couple items. I have the insulated cooler case, but LOOK.

IT FITS!!! I could easily and safely close two twist pouches in there, and the spoon. (Also my license and debit card but that's irrelevant.) This was great for a quick lunch minus the entire diaper bag, and would be epic for a walk to the park!

Kiinde, can I tell you how much you rock my socks!

Ah, the bottom line...

The filler is like a big sippy cup, except you can squeeze it. The spout on the filler fits onto the spout on the Twist pouches, then you just squeeze the puree into the pouch. Its easy and quick. (Also the filler is easy to clean--it has only three pieces: the cup, top, and spout cap.) The spoon is like a teether. The little snack spouts are a bit advanced for Baby Namastè right now, but I let Princess Namastè teeth them out with her yogurt and she gave them a thumbs up. The entire system is sturdy, easy to clean, and thoughtfully designed. 

I recommend this from birth to beyond! I already placed am order for more pouches because I've had the sets for two days and used it religiously since unboxing!


- Tayè K. 

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