Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What "Namastè" Means To Me


As always, I hope you're experiencing copious amounts of namastè. 

Let's talk about this a moment, this namastè business.


Literally translated, it means "I bow to the good in you." It's a gesture of recognition of what is still right and good in the world, and more importantly, what is still right and good in each other.  This is why I open and close my posts with it, why I named the blog as I did, and why I have so steadfastly internalized it. Since I am most likely simply an online presence to you, I'll paint the picture this way:

I don't like everything about everyone. I'm human. There are some who rub me the wrong way simply by doing what they do. In certain forums I have to remind myself that a person's screen name or online persona doesn't define them. Even if they deliberately seek to agitate me, I cannot vibrate low enough to strike out.

I'm human. I fail.

This is where practicing namastè comes into play. I LOOK FOR and BOW TO the good in everyone. Including those I don't particularly gravitate toward. Maybe most importantly, those I don't gravitate toward.

I'm practicing. This means, I am stretching and growing in this principle each day. I am actively behaving, perceiving, and receiving in this PEACEFUL, HONORABLE, RESPECTFUL form. I eat namastè. I breathe namastè. I sleep namastè.

I will never tell you it is easy. People like to pluck at other people, and I am not immune. While my preference is to walk in my namastè,  I'm still learning and growing and sometimes I mess up.

However, it is worth it. I have seen enough change in my emotional maturity and spiritual perception to continue this journey. I feel my growth. I know I am becoming more and more proactive, less and less reactive. My words will hold weight and my voice will be soothing as honey and strong as thunder.

It may sound like some jive hippie talk, but I promise you this--get you some peace. Get you some honor. Get and give some respect.

It's lit.


- Tayè K.

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