Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Twofer: B Baby Floorchestra Mat & B Baby Ten Blocks for One You **Review Post


We've been having so much fun this afternoon! I hope our joy was contagious and you received the normal copious amounts thereof.

Baby Namastè's becoming mobile! This, for us, meant new toys. Things to keep his interest while he's crawling (well, scooting so far) around. His newest entertainment device? His B Baby Floorchestra Playmat and B Baby Ten Blocks for One You set.

He was immediately interested in the Floorchestra (floor orchestra...punny!) Mat. When we put it in front of him he started messing with it. He liked the sounds and I'm sure the colors were engaging as well. It was actually the colorful components that drew us to the toys in the first place. They're not the typical primary colored playthings. The palette is more exciting and bold. 

Onto brass tacks!

Baby Namastè LOVES anything that has animal sounds or music. This toy (the Floorchestra) has both. The real test...could it hold his interest for a pump session?! (I pump for 20 minutes at a time, 8 times a day, and keeping Baby Namastè from tugging the tubing or pushing the buttons is a chore in itself!) One way to find out.

Initially we set him down on the mat with his faithful friend Smidders, his beloved toy elephant. He was content to sit there and listen to the different sounds and songs on the sound block. Big Baby Namastè smiles (and y'all that baby has a gorgeous grin--melts my heart every time) and happy babbles.

We added the blocks. Just to see if he would engage more. We made little block towers for him and gave him a block to hold and chew. (The blocks are chewable, floatable, squeezable, squeakable rubber. No BPA or latex!) IT WAS A HIT!!! He stayed on the Floorchestra mat and played with the blocks even after I finished my pump session. 

The Floorchestra is a really sturdy, quality toy. The B Baby toys are all made with as much recycled/recyclable material as possible (which is important to us) and they use only nontoxic materials. No BPA, lead, or noxious chemicals. I don't cringe when  Baby Namastè decides to nom on the mat. It wipes clean easily. (We clean all Baby Namastè's toys with pure water and Medela breastmilk removal soap, and I imagine that will be plenty sufficient for this one as well.) The sound part has a volume control knob so the music and animals can be turned to either soothing levels or playtime. The sounds aren't obnoxious. 

The blocks are excellent, perfect size for his little hands to grab. Each one is hand designed with a different animal and number from 1 to 10. I can't say enough about the bold colors!!! While they're cubes, they don't have sharp corners and aren't hard enough for him to hurt himself with by throwing or biting them. They go from playroom to bathtime seamlessly. I love how easy they are to clean. When his need washing, they'll get the pure water and Medela soap treatment. 

I absolutely recommend this toy combo. Used together or separately,  your little ones will love it as much as mine do. The toys are made of safe components, which is a major deal. These don't look like regular typical infant toys. This company encourages individuality and fluid play. (Fluid play is engaging in imaginative activities without predefined rules. The kids can make castles or play chef with these blocks.) They suit girls and boys perfectly fine, as they're not gender based. And of course there's the typical benefits of blocks--spatial thinking, cause and effect, early math, color recognition, and these add on animal recognition. Plus they are just plain fun. 

Because Baby Namastè's been playing with this off and on all evening, I rate this toy combo the coveted SEVEN STARS. 

The B Baby Toys collection is available at Target and on their website.

I recommend collecting them all. We will for Baby Namastè!


- Tayè K. ♡

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this unique Post. Great article and informative. Toys For Kids
