Saturday, September 24, 2016

Keep That Unless I Ask For It, Please!


I'm bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning. (No, really, my ponytail looks like I stuck it in a blender.) I wish you and your hair copious amounts of namastè!

As you know, I'm becoming very active in social media. I love mommy forums most, because that's my ilk right now. Mommy'ing is what I do, and I love reading and chatting with other moms. I live in a rural area and there aren't many neighbors, let alone a mom tribe for me to hang out with, so the forums give me a bit of interaction.

I won't say I don't need advice. I won't say I don't take advice. I won't say I am above getting advice from newer moms or older moms!

I will say this--if I don't ask for it, I don't want it.

Mom groups are tricky to begin with, as there are so many different ways to mommy. (Mommy has become my new gerund. Get into it!) When you're the mom with a young baby, and you're young yourself  (or look it), out come the "I would" and "you should" brigade.

Baby Namastè is almost 7 months old. He's on the cusp of some big developments. I sometimes post about them to make conversation and find other moms with kids his age. Bear in mind, I have a ten-year-old as well! So a lot of the things my baby is doing and experiencing, I've already seen and remember.


"I wouldn't give a bottle of he's breastfed."
"I don't think he should have a paci."
"He doesn't sleep 8 hours?!"
"Why don't you put shoes on his feet!"
"He should be eating more solids."
"Put cereal in his bottles!"
"You really should let him cry sometimes."
"I would never let my baby *insert random action*!"

...Namastè doesn't mean ignorant. I am well aware of the things I choose for Baby Namastè. I am also aware of the consequences. I choose what works for US. I don't condemn anyone's choices or pick them apart, so I make sure to align my own words carefully to eliminate any confusion about the intent behind them. If there is no question mark, no inquiring tone, I'm not asking you.

I know most people like to share their own experiences and ideas. There's nothing wrong with that. But it becomes a whole problem when you begin ramming it down others' throats, unsolicited.

It's not polite. It's not nice. It just doesn't wash well.


- Tayè K.

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