Sunday, February 2, 2020

Self Is NOT Flower Crown Selfies and Expensive Manicures.

I like flower crown selfies.

Putting that out there first.

But recently I've had to do some shadow work--working on healing and accepting parts of me that I don't give enough care to. The stuff we push into the closet.

For me it's mostly been unpacked family trauma and a shitload of anxiety about making sure I'm better to my own kids than my biological parents were to me. (Already batting a thousand here because none of my kids have been given or taken away, and their lives are happy, healthy, and stable!)

While I thank the entire universe for my darling grandma, I know she shouldn't have had to raise me. It is something I have always felt immensely guilty about.

She was a rare jewel--loving, patient, just everything a mother should be. But she had been those things already for her own children and shouldn't have had to start over with me. She never complained, which is why I am so fiercely thankful for and dedicated to her even after her passing.

Brass tacks.

You know how some people take a trip and return home, and just throw their suitcase in the closet? They don't unpack. Everything stays in the suitcase(s) and then when they want or need those items, they either get stuck in a loop of constantly trying to find a replacement OR they have to unpack their shit and sift through it, only to find out their sweater doesn't fit anymore or that they actually left their favorite jeans in Bora Bora.

I'm the dork who is currently sifting through her proverbial shit.

I could get a manicure and take a selfie.

But it would only LOOK good. I want to FEEL, BE, and EFFECT good.

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