Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Red Box of Happiness

Namastè,  all!

Are you elbows deep in good tidings?

As holidaisical as I am not, I look forward to them for one reason in particular...

My in-laws are Indian and Sri Lankan. They have a million beautiful festivals and traditions, especially between October and December. As they exchange greetings and pleasantries, they also exchange THE RED BOX.

The. Red. Box.


The coveted red box contains an assortment of the best and most loved dessert pastries and candies. (I think we can call them candies--I legit just call the box MINE 😂) Whenever a sweet aunty or uncle, or the gorgeous Ammaji and wonderful loving Appaji, comes to visit, they bring this amazing box.

...and Tayè is happy as a lark! 😍 My favorite treats are the kaju katli, gulab jamun, and jalebi, but I'm fond of each piece in the box for a myriad of different reasons. If I catch Ammaji or Appaji at a quiet moment when  the kids aren't monopolizing their hugs and attention, I snag a hug or two of my own and ask about the history of a certain piece.

Their eyes get that faraway glaze of nostalgia and they tell me about it--perhaps it's a childhood favorite, or a wedding memory. They have the best stories, but when they share their life experiences, it makes me feel so much closer to them, and the kids like listening. Nowadays we don't really get to know our grandparents as people with their own set of experiences and perspectives. We know them only as Appama or Appapa, Abuela or Abuelo--the kind, loving grandparent we adore. There's an entire layer beyond all that, and I hope my kids are learning to take full advantage of their time with them, as it's so fleeting.

Photos and selfies are great, but the shared stories and conversations, peppered with wisdom and absolute joy, don't translate across a picture. Video only captures half the story. There's just something about being in the moment that no type of recording can ever capture, but the heart never forgets.

Big get-togethers are rare at Castle Namastè--our schedules are ridiculous and everyone we would share them with lives either in the next county ... or the next country. *sighs* So this time of year, even as I'm dredging through a bout of blah, I like to make sure I'm getting everything in order so the kids can build the same wonderful memories I enjoy!

It's a tall order some days.

The red box of happiness sits on the shelf in my mini fridge though. Yes, I'm spoiled and have a personal stash! Ammaji looks out for her best girl, yes? (I'm sure she calls all of us that, but I still like it.)

The red box of happiness gives me another reason to smile.

The red box of happiness symbolizes the best parts of family--the love, happiness, and pure togetherness that brings one set from overseas, one set from New York, and other seta from all over, to celebrate one more festival.

...and eat one (or several) red boxes of happiness.

I may or may not be on my third box.

You may or may not be jealous. *chuckle* If you could come by, I'd totally share!

Just not my personal stash...those are for me.

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